Great Holiday

I spent the 4th of July hanging out in Texas and Arkansas. Business and pleasure and my friend Lyn Cathay who owns a great travel agency and a boat. He picked me up and we had a wonderful time together on that boat. Lynn and I go back over 30 years of knowing each other..check him out (he’s the one on the left. Lyn is a special guy and to know him is to love him. His wife Judy is Vice President of Global Brand Marketing Hampton hotels. Check Lyn out at
The handsome guy on the right is Leon who I have also known since I was 16 years old. His sister and my sister set us up for a blind date and we have been friends every since. He too is very special and really like a part of our family. He has the best yellow plum trees on his farm and I picked some great plums and ate them all. No I didnot get sick...I never do. I had a great holiday.